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4-1-10 Public Safety Subcmte
April 1, 2010 Meeting

The Public Safety Committee of the Legislative Council held a meeting on Thursday April 1, 2010 in the Booth Library meeting room at 7:00pm.

Present: ~Chair John Aurelia, Dan Amaral, Gary Davis, Mary Ann Jacob,

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. ~No members of the public were present.


Review of Proposed Public Safety Budget: The committee reviewed each are of public safety and then reviewed each line item request with the following comments:
Police – Selectmen already reduced the request for new police cars. Mr Davis would like to see the department getting a yearly stipend they could bank towards car purchases. Mr Amaral would like the police to consider buying less expensive cars. Number of police were justified and we make a significant investment to hire and train.
Communications – Current proposed budget is less than 09/10 adopted budget. Mr Amaral suggested we might consider taking a portion of the overtime and apply to contingency. The committee subsequently agreed that overtime use in this budget was more often the result of an emergency and we did not want to jeopardize their ability to properly cover the town.
Fire – Why the increase in the incentive plan? What is the response improvement plan that was increased by the selectmen $19,000? Mr. Aurelia to get the response and report back to the full council. Overall budget is lower than the 09/10 adopted and amended budgets.
Emergency Management and Canine Control – both lower than last years approved and amended budgets. No questions.
Lake Authorities – Increase this year for weed control not done last year and there is some money put aside for future boat purchase.
Safety Communications – Regional program we belong to – same as last year.
EMS – Cost of 24X7 paramedic and future ambulance purchases.
EMS Council – Membership.

General Comments – Are there synergies between the emergency service departments that can be leveraged to reduce costs? Being involved in this process as a committee earlier will allow us the ability to impact that more.

Mr. Davis made a motion to accept the budget as recommended by the Board of Selectmen for the budget areas reviewed by the public safety committee. Motion was seconded by Mr. Amaral, all in favor.

Having no further business Ms. Jacob made a motion to adjourn at 8:35pm, Mr. Amaral seconded, all in favor.

Respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Jacob